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How to Claim and processes

Claims Process

All about has claims authority to handle and settle claims for Santam, Bryte, and a few other Insurers. 

Insurance regulations demand, all clients to submit and sign all claims themselves. Find below claim forms for different types of claims.            

Please remember that all claims must be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days from the incident. 

We suggest, you take as many photos on your cell phone of damages and scene and submit it to us or to the Assessor for vehicle damages, theft damages, and water damages.

Process and important things to remember ​​

In pursuit of continually improving our claims service, we wish to encourage insureds to consider utilizing an online motor vehicle accident reporting tool on the NATIS website versus reporting motor vehicle accidents at a local SAPS office.

On completion of the reporting process, one will receive a PDF summary, including the Crash report(CR) number, which summary can be forwarded to our office along with the other claim Documentation.

However, kindly note that this tool cannot be used if 

any person was killed or injured in the crash 

The incident was a “hit and run “

5 or more vehicles were involved.

The tool can be found here when you enter the site look towards the top right, you will notice the below the choice bar and the reporting tool on the far right 

Please submit / email claims as soon as possible, within 30 days from the incident.

​As soon as we have registered your claim, we will send you an Sms or email. 

We will appoint an Assessor if the insurer requires one as soon as your claim is registered. 

This Maybe a digital assessor or a field assessor. A Field assessor will make an appointment with you. A digital assessor can make use of the photo’s supplied of the damages to assess and compile a report.

Normally the Assessor will submit his report to the insurers or ask for further information and documents from you. 

The claim will be settled either cash, repair, or replacement. Please note insurers do not like to settle claims cash to discourage fraud. An important note is not to discard any of the items being claimed as the insurance company will lay claim on the items for salvage purposes.

If you are not happy with the settlement, or progress on your claim, please email/call our claims manager or our Director (Details below).

If the unfortunate happens and your claim is repudiated, and you do not accept the outcome, please contact the Insurer Complains Line. 

 If you are still not happy, you may refer your claim to the Insurance Ombudsman for further mitigation.

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